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Trading OTC market instruments with EXANTE
Trading OTC market instruments with EXANTE
Updated over a week ago

Over-the-counter (OTC) refers to the process of how securities are traded for companies that are not listed on a formal exchange. Securities that are traded over-the-counter are traded via a broker-dealer network as opposed to on a centralised exchange.

Every instrument traded over the counter (ticker .OTCMKTS) may have different trading requirements. EXANTE’s standard requirements for the OTC market are as follows:

  • Manual execution. You can trade OTC instruments only using voice trade via [email protected].

    Manual order execution requests will be processed immediately after they are received on our side. Requests to add OTC instruments will take around 48 business hours to be completed.

  • .OTCMKTS can be traded with minimal amount of 100 shares and minimum order size 10'000 USD (not "OR").

    That is, the order should be always equal to/more than 100 shares, and always equal to/more than 10,000$. I.e. if share costs 1000$, then it still should be 100 shares x 1000$.

    We do not provide operations buying OTC stocks with pricing below 1 USD per share.

  • To execute the trade, you pay a standard exchange-imposed fee. We’ll calculate the total order placement cost once you make your voice trade request.

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