This article provides information on how to access your account data in the Client's Area and on the trading platform, as well as how to generate account reports.
What types of reports can be generated in the Client’s area?
The Client's Area allows you to generate the following types of reports:
Account Summary
Margin structure
Financial Transactions
Account Performance Report
Commissions Report
Overnights Report
Short Allowance Report
Client’s area → Reports
The Reports section in the Client’s area allows you to set up periodic reports that are sent out to your registered email daily or monthly in either PDF, CSV or XLS format.
Account Summary - displays the account's status for the selected time period, including details on account value, cash balance, open positions, and net asset value.
Please note that Account Summary calculates the P&L based on the last mid-price.
If your tax authorities require an official document signed by the broker and do not accept the documents provided for these purposes in the Client’s area, please contact your Account Manager to request a report.
Margin Structure - shows the daily margin locked in your account for the selected reporting period.
Financial Transactions and Trades provide a record of all account operations. To download a report in Excel or PDF format, you can generate it in the Client's Area.
Performance Report - provides infographics displaying your account's performance over time. For more details on the Performance Report and its metrics, refer to the Account Performance Report article.
Costs and Charges Report - contains an overview of trading charges and transaction costs.
Commissions - a report detailing the commission rates for each instrument applicable to your account.
Overnights - reflects the overnight rates applicable to your account.
Short allowance - contains information on securities available for short trading.
Daily Position - shows daily changes in price and value for the selected position over the specified time period.
Note! Be aware that our Account Managers cannot clarify the tax requirements applicable to your specific case. To clarify matters related to tax inquiries, contact the relevant legal entity.
Select 'Reports' to access Periodic reports, Custom reports, and Generated reports.
In the Periodic reports tab, you can schedule daily or monthly reports automatically in PDF, CSV, or XLS format.
Monthly reports are automatically sent on the first day of the following month (e.g., March reports are sent on April 1st).
Reports → Periodic reports
You can receive reports from your Client's Area directly to your FTP server.
To set this up, enter the FTP server link in the following format:
ftp://user:[email protected]:21/path/to/folder
The Custom Reports tab in the Client Area allows you to view previously generated reports and create new custom reports.
Reports → Custom reports
In the Generated Reports tab of the Client Area, you can filter all reports by their type.
Reports → Generated reports
What information can be found in the Portfolio section of the Client’s area?
In the Portfolio section, you can:
Generate a Transactions report for a custom time range by selecting the PDF or XLS button,
View key account details, including Current Account Value, Available Funds, Used Margin, Position Margin, Order Margin, Blocked Funds, and Profit and Loss (P&L),
Access historical data related to your account.
The Analysis section displays information, allowing you to track your account performance over time.
How can I access my account information on the desktop trading platform?
To access your account information, select 'Summary' from the top toolbar. This will display the same information that is available in your Client's Area.
For additional information on your account performance and open positions, you can also explore these modules:
Desktop platform → Summary
The Margin Structure module on the desktop platform allows you to monitor changes in your margin utilization level (depending on the assets held in your account).
Desktop platform → Margin structure
The “Trade Blotter” module provides information on all executed trades and transactions.
Note: Using the Demo environment, you can access 'Account Reports' only through the desktop platform via the 'Trade Blotter' module.
Desktop platform → Trade Blotter
How can I access my account information on the mobile trading platform?
To view an overview of your account in the EXANTE mobile app, tap on ‘Summary’ in the bottom left corner.
Mobile trading platform → Summary
The ‘Orders’ module in the mobile trading platform displays information about all orders placed in your trading account.
Mobile trading platform → Orders
How can I generate reports if my account is closed?
If your account is closed and you need related reports, our Client Services agent can assist in creating them for you.
In your email request, please include the following details about the report you need us to generate:
1. Client ID and subaccount subject for report creation;
2. Type of the report, any of the listed below:
Account summary;
Margin structure;
Financial transactions;
Costs and charges report.
3. Time period;
4. Currency (EUR or USD);
5. Document format (CSV or PDF).
Report requests will only be processed if sent from the authorized email address.
I cannot generate the report from my Client’s area. What should I do?
If you're unable to create a report from your Client's Area, please try the following steps:
Clear cache and cookie files on your browser
Try to access your Client’s area from another browser or device.
If the troubleshooting steps above didn't resolve the issue, please contact our Client Services team. Include a screenshot of the issue, and we will assist you.