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Individual Сlient. Supporting documents to establish the Source of Funds and Source of Wealth
Individual Сlient. Supporting documents to establish the Source of Funds and Source of Wealth
Updated over a week ago

Description of the source of funds

Documentary evidence required

1. Employment Income

  1. Income Tax Return Form (with a mark of the tax authority on receipt or confirmation of the issuance of electronic document).
    Or two of the following:

  2. Payslips from Employer, including bonus payments, clearly showing Employee’s name, date and amount received (shall not be older than 12 months).

  3. Letter from Employer confirming salary (should be issued on letter-headed paper clearly showing appointment held, period of employment, income amount, registered address and registration number of the company). This evidence can only be provided if you are not a shareholder;

  4. Account statement from the Financial Institution clearly showing the proceeds from employment income

2. Investment / Trading

Account statement from a regulated Financial Institution clearly indicating the realised profit from the investment/trading activities.

3. Real Estate Sale

  1. Sale contract

  2. Extract from official Property/Land register confirming the ownership and transfer of real estate (in case the Sale contract is not certified by the notary)

  3. Account statement from the Financial Institution confirming the transfer of funds

4. Company Sale

  1. Full set of documents confirming the ownership and transfer of the ownership of the Company

  2. Sale contract

  3. Account statement from the Financial Institution confirming the transfer of funds

  4. Documents confirming the value of the Company if it cannot be confirmed through public sources (e.g., Financial Statements)

5. Inheritance

  1. Certificate of right to inheritance certified by public notary

  2. Account statement from the Financial Institution confirming the transfer of funds

6. Gift or Donation

(Only applicable if the parties are related, i.e. are family members and/or close associates).

  1. Documentary evidence of the donor’s origin of funds (as detailed in this table)

  2. Account statement from Financial Institution confirming the transfer of funds

  3. Gift/donation agreement

  4. Supporting evidence confirming the connection between the parties

7. Retirement Income

One of the following:

  1. Account statement from the Financial Institution clearly showing the retirement income

  2. Documentary evidence of receipt of pension scheme/pillars total contributions

8. Dividend Payment

  1. Audited financial statements or board resolution confirming details of dividend payment

  2. Account statement from the Financial Institution confirming the transfer of funds

  3. Full set of documents or public information confirming the ownership of the Company

9. Pension Funds Contribution

Statement from a pension fund confirming obligatory payments to the pension fund from gross salary (only acceptable in cases where the law clearly states the proportion or percentage of mandatory pension contributions).

10. Maturity of Life Policy

  1. Life policy/agreement

  2. Closing statement clearly indicating closing amount, total premium/income and name of the insured person

  3. Account Statement from the Financial Institution confirming the transfer of funds

11. Divorce Settlement

  1. Documentary evidence confirming settlement proceeds (shall be issued by competent authorities, e.g., court, notary)

  2. Account Statement from the Financial Institution confirming the transfer of funds

12. Lottery or Gambling Win

  1. Documentary evidence from the Lottery/Gambling company confirming the winning

  2. Account statement from Financial Institution confirming the transfer of funds

Note! The compliance team reserves the right to request further details and documentary evidence. This means that documents not mentioned in the table above can be additionally requested to obtain the proper source of funds information.

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