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Current Orders
Updated over a year ago

All information on your orders is aggregated in the Current Orders panel. By default, all active orders are placed on the top. You can rearrange orders by applying filters to any column.

Some columns here are hidden by default. Click on the gear icon at the right part of a table next to column headers to hide and show columns.

  1. ID: Use this field if you know an order’s ID (or its part) to find it quickly. You can copy an ID from here to use it elsewhere.

  1. Instrument: Filter orders by instrument ticker. You can use a full ticker (e.g. AAPL.NASDAQ) or its part (e.g., AA)

  2. Status, Duration, Type, Side: Choose any value, e.g. ‘Buy’ or ‘Sell’ as a relevant Side

  3. Quantity, Price, Stop, Filled and Average price: As these fields operate with numbers, you can either use an exact value (e.g. 100 or =100) or inequality (e.g. >10, <500, >=25, <=200) to screen your orders

  4. Updated: Sort orders by date in descending or ascending order. If you click on the filter field, a calendar shows up allowing you to select the desired time period. To clear the time selection, use the Live button.

Hint: Please note that some historical orders might remain outside the scope of the Web Platform. If you are looking for a specific order, you’d better use its ID. If you need to filter orders by multiple parameters at once or retrieve historical orders, consider using the desktop version.

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