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Bloomberg EMSX Integration
Bloomberg EMSX Integration
Updated over 6 months ago

Bloomberg EMSX Integration

You can integrate your trading account with Bloomberg EMSX (Execution Management System). This means you can connect to our FIX bridge from your Bloomberg terminal to use our infrastructure for trading in a single-window mode.

How to Request Integration

To enable trading from your Bloomberg terminal, please follow these steps:

1. Contact your account manager.

2. Provide the following information:

  • Bloomberg UUID

  • EXANTE User ID

  • List of accounts to grant access

Please note that integrating a new user requires a gateway restart, which is performed only on weekends. Because of this, access is granted only once a week.

Project Phase and Limitations

As this is the project's first phase, there are some limitations to consider:

  • Available assets: Equities, including ETFs and preferred shares.

  • Available order types: Limit and Market orders.

  • Settings control: Other parameters, such as commissions, risks, and access to symbols, are managed within the EXANTE environment.

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