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Modular structure
Updated over 2 months ago

Thanks to its modular design, the EXANTE trading platform easily adapts to the needs of both novice and experienced traders.

The main window always features the toolbar on the left side of the screen and the status bar at the bottom. Everything else is up to you!

Add the entire toolbar from the Basic settings menu.

  • Rearrange tabs as you please – just drag and drop them

  • Customise tab size by dragging its boundaries

  • Float tabs on top of other windows or Dock them next to each other

Hint: Using a lot of floating windows? Toggle the borderless mode by pressing Ctrl+M

  • Maximise any tab to full-screen or Restore its original size

Double-click the tab header to Maximise or Restore in a snap

  • Close tabs you don’t need: one by one, all but the current, all to the right, or all tabs

Press Ctrl+W if you want to close the current tab.

Press Ctrl+Tab if you want to move to the next tab quickly.

  • Or Auto-hide unused tabs to the bottom of the main window, by right-clicking on the top of the tab

The toolbar serves as the launch centre. Click any icon to open the corresponding module. If it is already opened, we’ll highlight it. If you want to open the same tab again and again, hold Shift while clicking.

Note: Some modules might only be opened once, namely: Instruments, Basket Trader, Multi Account Trading, Price Alerts, Notifications, Settings and Help.

Hint: Prevent accidental misclicks by toggling off the Trading switch on the toolbar.

The status bar reminds you if you are using the Demo environment. It also displays current time (GMT) and coloured connection status.

Need to know what every module is for? Jump straight to the description of the desired module:

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