Basic information on exchange-imposed fees:
Fees are charged only for real trades.
You can trade any number of instruments starting from one traded unit.
The size of the minimum traded unit varies by instrument (you can see the specific value in 'Instruments' on the EXANTE trading platform.)
Note! EXANTE charges fixed or variable fees based on the instrument. For fees calculated based on a percentage commission, we round the final fee up to the nearest hundredth in the denomination. With higher-frequency trading, a 10-cent rounding error may accumulate within three minutes.
How stocks & ETF trade differs across exchanges:
The maximum rate on the main US exchanges is $0.02 per share.
On European exchanges, the fees vary from 0.02% to 0.18%.
Trading on major European exchanges, such as Euronext Brussels or Euronext Paris, is subject to a 0.05% fee.
EXANTE also grants access to major Asian exchanges, with fees ranging from 0.1% on the Tokyo Exchange to 0.1927% on the Hong Kong Exchanges.
Exchange | Maximum rate |
American Stock Exchange | $0.02/share |
NASDAQ Global Markets | $0.02/share |
New York Stock Exchange | $0.02/share |
Toronto Stock Exchange | 0.02 CAD/share |
London Stock Exchange | 0.05% |
Moscow Stock Exchange | 0.01% |
Oslo Stock Exchange | 0.18% |
Oslo OMX | 0.08% |
Euronext Brussels | 0.05% |
Euronext Lisbon | 0.05% |
Euronext Paris | 0.05% |
Deutsche Börse | 0.05% |
Xetra Stock Exchange | 0.05% |
Italian Stock Exchange | 0.1% |
Swiss Exchange | 0.075% |
Singapore Stock Exchange | 0.15% |
Australian Securities Exchange | 0.12%
min fee of 6 AUD |
Madrid Stock Exchange | 0.1% |
Tokyo Stock Exchange | 0.1% |
How futures and options trade differs across exchanges:
The main US exchanges charge from $1.5 USD per instrument.
Futures trading on the main European Exchanges has a fee of 1.5 EUR per instrument.
DGCX: 2 USD per instrument
HKEX: 22.54 HKD per instrument
OSE: 20 JPY per instrument
ASX: 6 AUD per instrument
SGX: 2.5 USD per instrument
Exchange | Futures trading fee |
MGEX Minneapolis Grain Exchange | 1.5 USD |
NYMEX New York Mercantile Exchange | 1.5 USD |
CME Chicago Mercantile Exchange | 1.5 USD |
COMEX Commodity Exchange | 1.5 USD |
CFE CBOE Futures Exchange | 1.5 USD |
CBOT Chicago Board of Trade | 1.5 USD |
Belfox Euronext Brussels | 1.5 USD |
MATIF Euronext France | 1.5 USD |
MONEP Euronext France | 1.5 USD |
FTA Euronext NL Derivatives | 1.5 USD |
IDEM Borsa Italiana SpA | 1.5 USD |
MEFF Mercado Español de Futuros Financieros | 1.5 USD |
DGCX Dubai Gold & Commodities Exchange | 2 USD |
HKEX Hong Kong Futures Exchange | 22.54 HKD |
OSE Osaka Securities Exchange | 20 JPY |
SGX Singapore Exchange | 2.5 USD |
TOCOM Tokyo Commodity Exchange | 215 JPY |
ASX Australian Stock Exchange | 1.5 AUD |
Singapore Exchange | 0.15% |
Note! The provision of real-time feed from the venues below is subject to a fee applied by the exchange. You can subscribe to any of the enlisted markets via Client’s Area.
Exchange | Retail Fee | Professional Fee |
ASX | 22 AUD/month | 150 AUD/month |
ASX Futures | 22 AUD/month | 150 AUD/month |
ATH | 6 EUR/month | 13 EUR/month |
BIST | 20 USD/month | 20 USD/month |
BM | 6 EUR/month | 40 EUR/month |
CBOE | 6 USD/month | 36 USD/month |
CBOE CFE Futures | 6 USD/month | 20 USD/month |
CBOE CGIF Indices | 6 USD/month | 20 USD/month |
CBOT | 14 USD/month | 150 USD/month |
CME | 14 USD/month | 150 USD/month |
COMEX | 14 USD/month | 150 USD/month |
EUREX | 13 EUR/month | 70 EUR/month |
Euronext | 6 EUR/month | 95 EUR/month |
Euronext Commodity derivatives | 6 EUR/month | 14 EUR/month |
Euronext Dublin | 6 EUR/month | 27 EUR/month |
Euronext Equity & Index derivatives | 6 EUR/month | 25 EUR/month |
Euronext Oslo | 6 EUR/month | 40 EUR/month |
HKEX Derivatives | 50 HKD/month | 50 HKD/month |
HKEX Stocks | 145 HKD/month | 145 HKD/month |
ICE Canada | 45 USD/month | 45 USD/month |
ICE Endex | 155 USD/month | 155 USD/month |
ICE EU Commodities | 155 USD/month | 155 USD/month |
ICE EU Financials | 135 USD/month | 135 USD/month |
ICE Singapore | 6 USD/month | 6 USD/month |
ICE US | 145 USD/month | 145 USD/month |
JSE | 15 USD/month | 60 USD/month |
LSE | 6 GBP/month | 60 GBP/month |
LSE AIM | 5 GBP/month | 34 GBP/month |
LSE IOB | 5 GBP/month | 32 GBP/month |
MIL | 6 EUR/month | 19 EUR/month |
NOMX | 6 EUR/month | 40 EUR/month |
NYMEX | 14 USD/month | 150 USD/month |
OMXC | 6 EUR/month | 40 EUR/month |
OMXH | 6 EUR/month | 40 EUR/month |
Osaka Exchange | 800 JPY/month | 1200 JPY/month |
PSE | 6 EUR/month | 18 EUR/month |
SGX | 14 SGD/month | 14 SGD/month |
SGX Futures | 75 SGD/month | 75 SGD/month |
SIX | 7 CHF/month | 36 CHF/month |
SOMX | 6 EUR/month | 40 EUR/month |
TMX Stocks | 25 USD/month | 85 USD/month |
TSE | 800 JPY/month | 2800 JPY/month |
VSE | 6 EUR/month | 46 EUR/month |
WSE Stocks | 28 PLN/month | 200 PLN/month |
XETRA | 6 EUR/month | 85 EUR/month |
Note! The rates may change at the discretion of the exchange.
The fee for cash conversion:
0.25% on all major currency pairs (except EUR/USD, where the rate is 0).
For the rest, it equals 0.4%.
When converting through the Account Summary module or with automatic currency conversion – no additional fee is applied.
Note! You can find the up-to-date fee size applicable to your account at any time in your Client's Area.
EXANTE allows you to trade both private and corporate bonds with fees starting at 9 bps for a range of bonds (i.e. both European and US Corporate/Government bonds).
If you want to trade currency pairs, live market spreads start at 0.2 pips. Keep in mind that for holding the negative position in cash, you will be charged interest, depending on the currency of the position. Feel free to examine EXANTE interest rates in your Client’s Area.
Overnight fees apply to short positions and FX. They depend on the market and are constantly changing. Current overnight fees can be found in the Client's Area.
Note that the fee for manual execution of the voice orders amounts to 90 EUR/GBP.
Have a look at the overview of EXANTE’s service fees.