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Corporate client: required documents
Corporate client: required documents

This article provides information about the document requirements for opening a corporate trading account

Updated over 5 months ago

What documents are required to open a corporate trading account?

Below, you will find the complete list of required documents for opening a corporate trading account:

Required document

Accepted documents



  • Certificate of Incorporation/ Registration,

  • An actual extract printout from the Registrar.

The document has to include:

  • Name of the Company,

  • Company registration number,

  • Date of registration.

  • Extract from the Registrar must be not older than six months.


  • Memorandum and Articles of Association AND By-Laws (if applicable)

Any Date of Issuance


  • Certificate of Registered Office or Certificate of Incumbency,

  • Extract from the official Registrar indicating the address,

  • Other legal documents issued stating the registered address, signed by the Corporate Secretary, Registered Agent, or Director.

Not older than 6 months.


(If the Company has been registered for more than one year)

  • Certificate of Incumbency or Good Standing,

  • Extract from the Register signed by the Corporate Secretary, Registered Agent, or Director (if providing an extract).

  • Not older than six months.

  • The six-month requirement does not apply to companies established in the current calendar year. Updated documents will be requested for the next calendar year.


  • Certificate of Directors.

  • Register of Directors.

  • Certificate of Incumbency.

  • Extract from the official Registrar containing data about Directors.

Not older than six months.


We accept one of the following documents:

  • Certificate of Shareholders.

  • Register of Shareholders/Members

  • Certificate of Incumbency.

  • Extract from the official Registrar containing data about Members.

If there is a nominee shareholder, a trust declaration or trust deed must be provided, along with Proof of Identity and Proof of Residence for the true Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO).

The document can not be older than six months.

We don’t provide services to the companies who issue bearer shares.


Authorizes an individual to open, manage, withdraw, and represent the company's interests with investment companies and financial institutions (beyond banks/credit unions). The attorney granted power of attorney (POA) is empowered to sign relevant documents and forms. The POA can be accepted for:

  • Specified duration, as stated in the POA terms and conditions,

  • An unlimited term until revocation, if specified in the POA terms and conditions.

The POA can be terminated at any time before its expiration upon request or with written authorization from the company directors (individuals authorized to issue POAs for the company).


Required for:

  • Directors: individual directors,

  • Shareholders, Members, Ultimate Beneficial Owners (holding 25% or more),

  • Authorized Signatory/Person,

  • Attorney,

  • Settlor,

  • Protector,

  • Trustee.

  • Please provide documents as outlined for individuals in the article dedicated to individual clients.

  • The Proof of Residence document can not be older than six months.


  • LEI number (if already available), or signed Form for LEI Application

EXANTE assists with issuing/renewing LEI codes for Corporate clients.

LEI Issuance fee is 90 EUR.

LEI Renewal fee is 70 EUR.

To issue or renew LEI, an LEI Authorization Letter is needed.

You can download the LEI Authorization Letter within the Client Area (Settings → Profile → Agreements → Power of attorney, LEI under Other documents).

Must be valid.


  • Tax number for the corporate client

  • Tax number and tax residence for all controlling persons (UBOs/Shareholders) in case of a Passive Non-Financial Entity


  • If a Director is a Legal Entity, a complete set of documents for corporate clients is required (as described above),

  • If the Shareholder is a Legal Entity, a complete set of documents for corporate client is required (as per above);

  • License (if applicable),

  • Account segregation (upon approval) for Financial Institutions,

  • Segregation Declaration (XNT / EXT),

  • Legal Entity Identifier (if available),

  • In case of a fund: additionally, an Offering Memorandum and supplement for sub-funds (if any),

  • Tax number for the entity,

  • Tax number and tax residence for all controlling persons (directors, shareholders, attorneys) in the case of a Passive Entity.

The Onboarding department may request additional documents. In that case, you will receive information via email or from your Account Manager after your initial document verification.

What are the rules for signing corporate documents?

Corporate documents can be signed after approval.

Copies can be signed by either the Director or an authorized signatory of the account.

For one-page documents:

Signatures should be placed at the bottom of the page.

For documents with two or more pages:

Signatures should be placed at the bottom of the first or last page. Additionally, sign on other pages where fields for signature or initials are provided.

Accepted signing format:

  • Full Name of the authorized person signing the document

  • Position

  • Signature

  • Date

  • Place (city)

How long does it take to open a corporate trading account?

If all your submitted documents meet the requirements, the application approval process will take one business day.

If you have any additional questions regarding opening a corporate trading account, please contact your Account Manager.

You can find their contact information in your Client’s area. Go to 'Settings''Profile' → 'Personal Info'.

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