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Trading in the Click-Trade Module
Trading in the Click-Trade Module
Updated over 3 weeks ago

You can find the “Click-Trade” module on the left side toolbar of your desktop platform as well as on the top toolbar, by clicking “Trading” → “Click-Trade”.

Use the “Click-Trade” module to create new trades quickly and easily! To trade using Click-Trade, select the relevant instrument in the “Instruments” module and drag it to the Click-Trade panel.

To initiate a trade, select its Duration, i.e. the period during which your offer to sell or buy instruments will remain valid (“Day” in the image above):

  • Day – good till the end of the trading day

  • GTC – good till cancelled

  • IOC - immediate or cancel

  • ATO - at the opening

  • ATC - at the closing

Then specify the quantity of instruments you want to buy in the Quantity field.

Note: Read more about different order and duration types.

Now you can use the following Click-Trade functions to buy or sell instruments: Join Bid, Sell Market, Sell Bid, Join Offer, Buy Market, Buy Offer. Of these, the following two buttons create Market Orders:

Buy Market — buys at the current Ask Price.

Even if the price has increased during the transaction, the remaining instruments will be bought at any current price (lower or higher market price at the order closing). The Current Orders module displays an average buy price in the Average Price column.

Sell Market — sells at the current Bid Price.

Even if the price has decreased during the transaction, the remaining instruments will be sold at the current bid price (lower or higher market price at the order closing). The Current Orders module shows the average sell price in the Average Price column.

The remaining buttons create Limit Orders:

Join Bid — creates a limit order for the purchase of a specified quantity of instruments at the Bid Price fixed at the time of order creation. For example, if the current bid price is 1.3797, but it has increased once you clicked Join Bid, the order will be filled only when the relevant instruments are offered for sale at the price of 1.3797 or lower.

Sell Bid — creates a limit order for the sale of a specified quantity of instruments at the Bid Price. For example, if the current bid price is 1.3797, but it has decreased once you clicked Sell Bid, the order will be filled only when there are buyers seeking to buy the relevant instruments at the price of 1.3797 or higher.

Join Offer — creates a limit order for the sale of a specified quantity of instruments at the Ask price. For example, if the current ask price is 1.3797, but has decreased as soon as you clicked Join Offer, the order will be filled only when there are buyers seeking to buy the relevant instruments at the price of 1.3797 or higher.

Buy Offer — creates a limit order for the purchase of a specified quantity of instruments at the Ask Price current fixed at the time of order creation. For example, if the current ask price is 1.3797, but it has increased as soon as you clicked Buy Offer, the instruments will be bought only when they are offered for the price of 1.3797 or lower.

This module also allows you to place clever Take Profit / Stop Loss orders from the lower panel of the section.

Take Profit (TP) order will initiate closing of a previously opened position when the price reaches a predefined level to lock in the profit.

Stop Loss (SL) is an order that closes a previously opened position when a price drops to a predefined level to avoid further losses.

After entering the quantity of assets you want to buy or sell, specify the type of your order and choose one of the options:

  • Price — a desired price at which you would like to close the position and take the profit

  • Price change in absolute values — a desired point distance from the current market price

  • Pips — the distance in price steps (price step or minimum trade points) from the current market price. You can see the value of the pip (Price step) by examining the Instrument information.

Note: If you choose pips, please make sure you enter integers.

The lower information window will show the summary of your order once you specify the details. The platform automatically calculates:

  • Total value of the trade

  • Invoked fee

  • Margin change in nominal terms

At the moment you select the desired quantity, the Margin Delta is calculated. Hover over the 'Join Bid' or 'Join Offer' buttons to see the value.

The Margin Delta price indicates the nominal distance (in currency terms) between the limit price of your order and the price of your indicated TP/SL position.

As soon as an order is created, you can see it in the Orders module. Once an order has been filled successfully, a notification appears in the bottom right part of the screen; a corresponding trade appears in Trade Blotter and the position changes in Summary.

Pre market / After market

When the market is closed, the client can ONLY set Limit orders. If you want to use any other Order type, the order will be pending until the market opens.

If you set a Limit order when the market is closed, the order will be pending.

If you set a Limit order on the pre/after market, it will be working.

If you set a Market or Stop order when the market is closed, it will be canceled.

If you set a Market or Stop order on the pre/ after market, the order will be pending until the market opens.

You can switch to a more detailed trading option by selecting the “Order” module.

Note: If you drag an instrument from Summary or Orders to Click-Trade, the application will automatically copy the quantity of instruments in your account to the destination module.

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